How do I prepare for a medical exam when applying for life insurance?

We understand that the process of obtaining life insurance can seem daunting, especially when a medical exam is required. But don’t worry – we’ve streamlined the exam to make it hassle-free as possible. Our trusted paramedical exam partners will work with you to schedule the exam at a time and place that suits you best, whether that’s at your home or office.

Here’s how to prepare for your exam to ensure it goes smoothly:

Get a good night’s sleep: Aim for eight hours of sleep before your exam to help keep your blood pressure stable.

Watch your diet: Avoid salty or fatty foods for 24 to 48 hours before your exam. These can raise your blood pressure and triglyceride levels.

Skip the gym: While regular exercise is a key component of a healthy lifestyle, avoid strenuous activities right before your exam as they can affect your heart rate and potassium levels.

Avoid caffeine: Skip the coffee and other caffeinated drinks at least an hour before your exam to keep your blood pressure in check.

Fast wisely: If possible, don’t eat for 12 hours before your exam. A shorter fast of at least two hours is also beneficial, but a longer fast ensures more stable blood sugar and blood pressure levels.

Stay hydrated: Drinking water a couple of hours before the exam can help with producing a urine sample.

List your medications: Have a complete list of any prescriptions and over-the-counter medications ready for the examiner.

Need help finding the right life insurance coverage for your needs? At SBLI, we’re here to help you find a policy that fits, providing peace of mind for you and your loved ones.


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