How much should I spend on life insurance?

We recognize that life insurance isn’t one-size fits-all solution. Instead of fixed rules about how much to spend, we understand that every family has unique financial needs and obligations. We’re here to help you find a coverage plan that aligns perfectly with your specific situation.

You know your budget best.

In an ideal world, everyone could afford a $10,000,000 life insurance policy without blinking. But let’s face reality: other expenses vie for your paycheck, such as housing, health insurance, retirement savings, and yes, even enjoying life’s pleasures.

So, what should you spend on life insurance? Only what feels right for you. Take an honest look at your income and expenditures to determine a comfortable amount for you—whether that’s $75, $50, or $20 per month.

How much coverage can you get for your budget? Let us help you find out. We’re here to guide you, not to chase trends. Our research indicates a wide range of spending on life insurance, reflecting the diverse financial landscapes of real families like yours. Here’s a snapshot of what some choose to spend:

Some money-saving tips from SBLI:

  • Quit smoking—it can significantly reduce your premiums.
  • Steer clear of high-risk hobbies like skydiving or racing, which can increase your rates.
  • While competitive prices are appealing, the cheapest policy might not offer the best value.
  • Consider buying insurance sooner rather than later; it’s generally less expensive while you’re younger and healthier.

At SBLI, we believe in making life insurance straightforward and stress-free, fitting snugly into your life without stretching your budget. Give us a call and let’s talk about what makes sense for you.


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