SBLI Self-Awareness Quiz—Results

Compare Your Answers to Others*

1) When you think about protecting your family’s financial future in the event of your death, what comes to mind first? Answer Percentage
I’m uncomfortable thinking about the topic 6%
It’s a topic that I know is important, but I haven’t done anything about it yet 45%
I’m not too concerned 4%
My family is already protected 45%
2) Have you and your spouse/partner discussed your family’s financial security in the event of your death? Answer Percentage
We’ve never had the conversation 17%
We’ve talked about it, but we don’t really have a plan 27%
We have a plan, but we haven’t acted on it yet 20%
We have a plan, and we have acted on it 36%
Can you share why you have never had the conversation? Answer Percentage
It’s an uncomfortable subject to talk about 16%
It’s a risk I’m willing to take 2%
I know we just can’t afford it 32%
I’m not really sure why 50%
Roughly, for how long have you been thinking about creating a plan? Answer Percentage
Less than a year 20%
1-2 years 23%
3-4 years 16%
Over 4 years 41%
What’s preventing you from acting on your plan? Answer Percentage
We’re just too busy 13%
I don’t know where to go to act on our plan 10%
We can’t afford it 36%
I’m not really sure 41%
Great! What made you develop a plan and act? Answer Percentage
A conversation with my financial advisor 13%
A personal experience that made me act 39%
An article I read about parenting 1%
A conversation with a friend or loved one 21%
I’m not sure 26%
3) What do you think is the average cost to raise a child and pay for a 4-year public college? Answer Percentage
Less than $100,000 9%
At least $325,000 51%
More than $500,000 32%
$1 million 9%
4) If something were to happen to you or your spouse, do you feel confident your loved ones would be financially protected? Answer Percentage
I think they would be in good shape, able to continue to live in the lifestyle they are accustomed 42%
I think they would be a little stretched, and might have to make a few minor changes, but generally okay 25%
I think they would have to make some moderate changes to their lifestyle 15%
I think they would have to make dramatic changes to their lifestyle 18%
Can you explain why you answered this way? Answer Percentage
I’ve run the numbers 22%
This is what my financial advisor told me 7%
This is what I believe to be true 62%
I’m not really sure 9%
5) How much of your annual household income do you feel comfortable spending on life insurance? Answer Percentage
None 16%
5.00% 14%
2.50% 36%
1.00% 23%
0.50% 11%
6) How much of their annual household income do you think other families spend on life insurance? Answer Percentage
None 9%
5.00% 17%
2.50% 40%
1.00% 20%
0.50% 14%
7) How would you describe your knowledge of life insurance products, options and terminology? Answer Percentage
Little to no knowledge 25%
I know the basics 38%
Fairly knowledgeable 27%
Very knowledgeable 11%
8) How do you feel about thinking about your own mortality? Answer Percentage
No problem, it’s a reality 44%
I don’t particularly like thinking about it 35%
It totally creeps me out; I definitely avoid thinking about it 8%
I’m not sure how to respond 14%

*Data based on the results of 10,860 responses, recorded on 08/25/2018.